Multi Line Telephone Systems (MLTS):
Earlier this year an amended version of the MLTS law was signed into law. The new law, PA 30 of 2019, extends the compliance requirement to December 31, 2020 and makes some additional exemptions for certain entities. The purpose of these MLTS requirements is that when someone dials 911 from a MLTS phone and is unable to give their exact location, dispatch needs to be better able to provide responding agencies with the most accurate location possible. Ie. Building address, floor number, room number, area of building, etc. We have had instances in the past where a robbery was occurring at a local branch of a bank, 911 was called, but responders were sent to an area 20 minutes away because 911 received the location of the bank headquarters where the phone line was registered, not the actual location of the phone that was calling 911.
MLTS Flowchart to figure out where your business falls within state law
Text-to-911 Technology Now Available to Western Wayne Communities
Pursuant to the Michigan Emergency Telephone Service Enabling Act, P.A. 32 as amended, 2008 P.A. 379, on April 14, 2009 the Wayne County Commission authorized by resolution a Wayne County 9-1-1 operational surcharge of $0.42 per applicable communication device effective July 1, 2009.
The $0.42 is assessed on all wireline, wireless and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) customers in Wayne County. (MCL 484.1401b [1]-[a]-[c]) The county local charges are determined by individual counties and will vary across the state. For commercial customers that have multiple access points and multiple access lines, after the first ten access points/line there is a reduction of one surcharge for every ten access points/lines. (MCL 484.1401b [12])
The local/Wayne County operational surcharge is collected on a monthly basis and remitted quarterly to the Wayne County Treasurer’s office. MCL 484.140 b [5]
The countywide surcharge may be adjusted annually on July 1, with notice to the State 9-1-1 Committee no later than April 1. (MCL 484.1401b [6])
A monthly county-based technical surcharge is collected by local exchange providers (landline) as set out in MCL 484.140d (1)-(5). Technical surcharges are the providers fund to collect and keep or participate in the pooling agreement. Emergency Service Districts should not be receiving any technical surcharges. The fund is managed by McCartney & Company. Contact Mr. Ed Rebman at (517) 347-5000, for additional information on technical surcharges.
The provisions of the Act also provide protection to communication service providers for confidential information provided to the County regarding the number of customers (MCL 484.1401b[11]) subject to the County 9-1-1 Operational Surcharge.
This legislation will sunset on December 31, 2021.
More information on State 9-1-1 can be found here:,4643,7-123-72297_47748—,00.html